The Luthra Group has been working for the underprivileged communities since its beginning. The Group understands the importance of co-existing with the environment and focuses on actions that lead to sustainable changes and giving back to the society. The organisation humbly continues working towards creating a safe environment by influencing positive change in behaviour patterns by educating the population in and around valuable ecosystems

The CSR initiatives are strongly focussed on communities surrounding the Group's business operations to improve the quality of lives and make a holistic impact by addressing issues on health & wellness, empowerment of women & children by promoting education, skill development, sports ,clean environment, and sustainability through sustainable and impactful work for the betterment of society. Luthra Group emphasises on diseases prevention awareness camps, blood donation and contributes towards a healthy and joyful society.

Working progressively to brighten the future of India

Children's Well-being & Education

Women Empowerment


Sports & Culture

Drinking Water & Sanitation

Agriculture & Animal Husbandry

Environment Protection & Restoration

Development of Community Infrastructure

Skill Development & Employment Opportunities for Youth

Participate in programs of national importance including but not limited to Disaster Mitigation, Rescue, Relief & Rehabilitation

We care

CSR mandated in 2013 by legislation, whereas it’s a Luthra Group’s mandate since 1981.

Over 400,000 students & patients have taken benefits of various CSR policies till date.

Touching lives: 4,00,000+ beneficiaries and counting...

RO plants

Donated to more than 50 villages and schools, developed water tanks in Ranipet & Telengana.

Cancer education & eye check-up camps

Police officers and staff members health check-up and health campaigns covering over 2000 members including cancer education and eye check-up camps.

More than 50,000 trees planted

Trees help clean the air we breathe, filter the water we drink, and provide habitat to over 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity.

CSR Activities Undertaken